Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where are the ideas for newspapers, 2 of ?

Kevin Anderson, blog editor for London's Guardian, posts some interesting thoughts on newspapers and innovation. He's actually upbeat -- at least on newspapers beginning to adapt; nothing on increasing revenue streams. Still, it's good to have the discussion flowing. 

I think he's spot on, as the Brits would say, on one point: newspapers need to be fast and agile in trying new things. It's also something that's not part of the newspaper culture. I remember having an editor once tell me that "Anything you can suggest, I've got a memo in my files on why it won't work." And, this was a good editor. He wasn't trying to prevent me from making the suggestion, just telling me that just about any idea will face opposition. A suggestion I would make is put no onus on failure. Just about any success I know of is built on earlier failures -- so why do so many media companies (as well as other American businesses) penalize imaginative initiatives if they don't work out?

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