Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If you read nothing else today, read this

Columnist Joe Mandese of Media magazine (published online in MediaPost) offers a very nice takeout on the changing media revenue landscape. Calling it a revenue landscape is way too dispassionate for his work, but it fits what's happening since media companies are faced with changing the way they get paid for their work.

But Mandese's chief contribution in this analysis is just that, analysis. He puts a large number of developments into context, and lays out the new landscape facing media companies. His most controversial offering may well be that it might be time to drop some of the traditional walls between journalism and advertising. Journalism may have no choice.

While not perfect in my view -- Mandese, like so many new media writers, seems to accept some unproven assumptions like "citizen journalism" effectiveness -- but it's the most complete and reasonable analysis of the current situation I've read recently. If you read nothing else today, read this.

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