Monday, June 9, 2008

Newspapers aren't dead yet

One reason I think the Madison Cap-Times’ dropping paper editions for all but two specialized ones a week (and giving them out free) is a good thing for newspapers is that at least they’re trying something. I’m tired of hearing newspaper executives say readers are leaving us and there’s nothing we can do about it. Sure, the Cap-Times isn’t perfect, it’s a special situation, and it might not make it. But they’re trying.

Along the same lines, I’m anticipating seeing the new Baltimore Sun. A Tribune executive who was given a walk-through has a great memo on Romenesko. I really liked three points he made about the new Sun. One, it’s a lifestyle publication, not ignoring news but not being totally dependent on it either. Two, it features personalities. I’ve always believed that publications need something to set them apart from all the other publications – and personalities can be that something. Three, and most important, they’re looking overseas for innovation. Anyone who looks at European and other world newspapers is seeing innovation all over the place. Some good; some bad – but all innovative. Anyway, the memo is at

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