Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some thoughts for newspapers from Wikipedia's founder

In the interests of advancing opinions that, I think, are totally off base but interesting, I point to a talk by Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. His solution for newspapers, natch, is the Wikipedia model, including saying newspapers should scrap their sports sections and just print offerings from enthusiastic bloggers, "Avid sport fans write tons of content and there are people who would pay money to have the job of a Sports Illustrated reporter." . All of which is true, of course, and I'll even concede his point that some bloggers may be as good as print columnists and reporters, although this is ridiculous: "The very best political bloggers are easily equal to the best New York Times columnists." But this is worth reading because, like so many bloggers, there are some grains of information or thought hiding out in his often-wrongheaded advice.

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