Sunday, August 30, 2009

Journal Sentinel holds great news story from online views

      Are you ready out there in Internetland?  You're missing a great piece of journalism from Sunday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. It's a jaw-dropping story about a scam artist who's parlayed some very shady practices into a Jaguar convertible and mansion. The reason you're missing it -- and I'm not -- is that I subscribe to the print version of the Journal Sentinel, which is holding the story off the Internet until tomorrow.  And going to be holding part II, which will run in tomorrow's print edition until Tuesday.  It's a tactic borrowed from a couple of other papers and one I applaud, not just because I like print but because I like good journalism and somebody's got to pay for it. And online news isn't doing that now.
     The idea, I would think, is that if you want the best news, subscribe to print (and probably get a way to view the stories online). Otherwise you'll have to wait.  And look for features, columns and other non-news to be held as well.

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